Tuesday 25 June 2013

new pattern lily

Today I was looking for a quick pattern to do with white wool and ended up googling quick patterns, I didn’t find any suitable but found a picture on how to make paper lilies out of triangles and thought how hard could it be to substitute paper for knitting. I ended up with some really nice lilies, take me about an hour to do each one, but may take more experienced knitted less time.

Your free to use this pattern for personal use or for charity, hopefully it will inspire you to help knit for ‘hope and bloom’  please credit back to hope and bloom when this pattern is used.  
Basically it’s a triangle then sewn into shape so can be made into any size.

Cast on 3.
Line 2 – knit.
Line 3, k2tog, k26 k2tog [= 28 sts]
Line 4 – k
Line 5 – k2tog k24 k2tog [26sts]
Line 6 – k
Line 7 – k2tog, k22 k2tog [24 sts].
And so on till you reach 2 stitches left and which you then cast off.

Take the bottom of the triangle and mark out the middle, with the same wool sew up the side half way so you begin to get a pyramid type shade. 
Line 1 leaving a long length cast on 10
Line 2 :- k
Line 3. Cast off.

To make up, using the long length of tread left from making the center sew into the middle of the outer petals and secure.

Add stem if required.

i've never wrote a pattern before so any feed back much appriated, 

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